Lala's Journal

By Lala


with the wind! Got up early to visit the local shop for some top up items, breakfast when home and then I walked Dog. I always listen to my audio book when walking and today finished I Am Pilgrim. An excellent listen although I’m not entirely sure it was what I should have been listening to at this time as the plot entailed a Terrorist waging jihad on USA by creating vaccine proof smallpox That he planned to infect 10,000 people with in the sure knowledge that it would then infect billions of people who came into contact with the original victims! 

I flagged after that for a few hours, not really committing to anything until the team zoom quiz. I was delighted that Gareth won, and his mum told me later that it had really lifted him from a dark mood and as the winner, he was already planning the quiz he will now host next week.

The evening was lifted after a long chat with Leanne. 

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