
By Genetta

My Birthday/Groundhog Day

Today is my birthday. Today I turned 39. I don't feel my age. I am always told I don't look my age either. I probably don't act my age for that matter.

It was a good day. I went with a friend to her Dr appointment so I could watch her daughter while she was in there.

Then we went to the book store. There was three tables full of clearance items. $2 an items. I came out of there with 7 items.

Next on the list was meeting 13 friends & family at a Mexican restaurant for my birthday lunch. It was lots of fun and I was surprised by how many came.

I was tired by then and went home, read for a little bit then took a short nap. The Kid and I decided to go out for dinner so went for burgers and fries.

Next was a rental movie - Total Recall. I liked this version.

Now I am enjoying a cookie my friend made for me. It's a groundhog coming out of his burrow. I hear the groundhog didn't see his shadow. Neither did I. Early spring it is!

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