Natural Abstract

In English = 'oak processionary larvae'.  Do not touch as you will suffer.

We are very sensitive to these larvae and everyone is warned every year beginning April to watch out for them and avoid them.  As it is now June, it was a surprise to us during our long stroll this afternoon to discover this cluster very low on an oak tree.  They often climb the tree and if you are not paying attention you might brush against them as you walk by, or you are so close and one of them falls on your shirt and you're in big itchy trouble.

Finished the liver MOOC and now I can take a bit of time with the new one as I have four weeks of nothing else.  But now other things need to be done, too, so not too much time so that I really will have some weeks free.  It was a humid and cloudy day, but that was okay.  Some housework and that was it.

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