
By Carey20August

Day 165/20 Giggling Georgia

Today I had a whole day off - utter bliss..

I had a video call with Lily and Pippa to see their missing teeth - Pip's first one, then I had a video call with Georgia and Amy. 

I'd just got started on the washing up for the third time when Adam sent a message to ask if he and his fiancee could pop in. I've got the hang of socially distanced visitors now, so I moved the bedding towards the bottom of the garden and put some chairs out nearer to the house. When they arrived, complete with mugs of tea, I sat on the doorstep and we had a lovely chat.  

Then Amy appeared round the side of the house with Georgia and Lee. They had to sit at the bottom of the garden. Georgia loved running through the sheets and getting tangled up in them. Who needs plastic garden toys when you can provide sheets?!

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