Almost ....
..... normal!
A and I had lunch then a stroll and ended at Sanderstead pond where the Water Lilies are ready to burst into bloom.
I'd made scones this morning so tea and cream scone beckoned then A checked my car for me the first time since lockdown .
Dinner was home made chicken / leek and sweetcorn pie and lemon cheese cake for desert. Then the obligatory coffee and mint choc's !
We are now watching a film before A returns home , sad but that's how it's got to be for now.
The weather has been kind to us today , just right for a walk . A did a few bits and pieces in the garden too . Surprising things you push into a short time .
Had a lovely chat to my eldest G / son J this am he's just one amazing lad , nothing seems to faze him and he's been through so much and still not completely out of the woods. Some one else would have " crumbled", I'm sure I would , I know I'm biased but he really is one amazing lad.
Stay safe every one.
Grateful ..... to have had A here and for his help , so kind .
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