Hanging Around
A fine morning to cycle down to the slippy old slipway, getting my junks off. After that, and the mandatory period of pottering, it was up to see the distressingly wandered old maw. An education for me getting to experience dementia, though selfishly I think it's maybe my own kids that would benefit from it.
Anyway, after that there was time for a cheeky teatime pint (® MrSmith) and on to see Kathryn Bigelow's film about the hunt for Bin Laden. I think it's been a bit unfairly criticised for being ambivalent on torture, and being rather Western-centric. All entirely true, mind. It's also a surprisingly good straightforward action film - Where Eagles Dare! If you like watching doors getting blown off their hinges, you'll love it.
Right, talking of unhinged, must get on - 1095 blips seem to have taken me to almost three years of when I started off. Blimey, etc etc. Thanks to all those who comment; now that I'm retired (again) I really have no excuse not to comment back.. unless I'm having an afternoon nap of course.
Pip pip!
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