Weight loss journey progress report 14062020
Weekly progress report: too many white carbohydrates so did not achieve this week’s goal of a small loss.
Starting weight (25 May 2018 = 273lb)
Today’s weight = 191.2 lb
Average weight last week = 188.9 lb
Average weight this week = 190.3 lb
Weight gain this week = 0.4 lb
Note: I weigh every day first thing and calculate weight loss based on average weight for the week.
Week 12 of the lockdown and I am recording a weight gain of 0.4 lb for the week. Not so happy since I did not achieve objective of a small loss or even a standstill and the omens first next week are not good with today’s weight being 0.9 lb higher than the week’s average. I know the reason and my it’s own fault: too many white carbohydrates!! I just can’t resist new potatoes and although my evening meals are still vegetable loaded most have included some freshly harvested new potatoes. In addition work in the garden and allotments is now limited to weeding, hoeing and harvesting which is light in terms of energy expenditure and does not burn off the calories.
On a positive note the allotments are now providing most of my vegetables and they’re not all green: last night I had the first beet which were deliciously sweet and tender. Still have an over abundance of Spinach, mixed greens and spring onions and tomatoes and carrots are the only veg I have to buy.
As I say I will have to be careful this week and resist the new potato temptation if I want to avoid recording another weight gain. The week’s goal is standstill . If the weather holds and I can avoid the white carbohydrates and empty calories I should be able to achieve it.
I hope you all have had a good week and that you are keeping safe and fit in these uncertain times. I also hope that the lockdown is not having too much of a detrimental effect on your scales. Keep positive and safe.
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