
By jp70


Once again my best laid plans for a photo opportunity were scuppered.

When my neighbours are away, my son feeds their cats. Effectively they are our borrowed pets. He gets the fun of playing with them and feeding them without a constant responsibility.... but today they were slightly on edge with the appearance of my son on crutches and so I didn't try to stick a camera in their faces.....

I scoured the house for something borrowed. An egg from my other neighbour which I haven't yet replaced? A book from yet another neighbour? (I have had it almost 5 years and had better return it now it's out)

Aaahhhh.... Then my husband suggested money. Credit cards are borrowed money in disguise! We pay it back every month.... but it is easy to forget that somthing is not ours until we have paid for it.

One thing I do know...

I have got brilliant neighbours.

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