
By schorschi

Same routine

I'm fighting between tax return for 2011 and trying to study for a 5 week internet "Equine Nutrition" course given by the University of Edinburgh's Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies as part of the Coursera programme.
Apparently there are some 9,999 others registered for this course, so if I want to get my Masters Degree by being in the top 1%, I need to concentrate!
Seriously, I have learnt quite a bit in the 1st week: much one knows/has heard but the interesting part has been learning why it so is. Just took the week 1 practice test and got all the questions right but still don't trust myself to hit the button for the Assessed Test.

Hence the boring photo - Angie again took the camera out for a walk in "our" forest with Corinna and her dog. She will probably also try riding Sultan later without the dogs so as to let him give off steam. He is so bored with not getting out on the fields that he is starting to be a nuisance, looking for reasons to play around & annoy the other two who just want their peace & quiet.
Have a nice tax return or gastrointenstinal tract?

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