Went for another mammoth walk this afternoon. Almost 11 miles.

….............Braidburn Valley Park, Colinton Mains Park, Redford Woods, Dreghorn Woods, Colinton Village, Spylaw Park, the Waters of Leith, Baberton, Westburn, the Union Canal.

Unfortunately Ann forgot that on a Sunday afternoon the canal path would be mega busy so I had to stay on my lead for the last hour and a half of our walk. (We walked for three and a half hours.) And yes, it does look like there is no one else on the canal path in this Blip, but looks can be deceiving. Lol!! I had to pose really quickly for Ann to take this photo.

This afternoon it was like the whole of Edinburgh were out for a cycle along the canal path. Oh and has anyone else in Edinburgh noticed how much the 'Just Eat' bikes are being used during lock down? Mmmmm................. just a thought? I wonder if people are wiping down the handlebars before they jump onto a bike that the rest of the world has been using????

Anyway, we had a really lovely big long walk and as soon as we got home I just went straight into my bed for a little snooze. (See extras). I am the most secure, chillaxed, little collie pup ever, but that doesn't stop Ann constantly worrying about me. She used to take her very first dog, 'MollyCollie', for big long walks. MollyCollie was very 'needy' so even if she'd had a long walk, she'd still follow Ann to the toilet/bedroom/wherever, until she knew that Ann was settled in one spot for the rest of the evening. Mmmmmmm................. when I've had an eleven mile walk, I know that all my human is capable of doing is opening a bottle of wine so I really don't feel the need to watch her having a shower???????

I'm 19 months old now and to be honest I'm almost a 'perfect pooch'. Once I've learnt not to 'jump up' at random people, I will be the bestest little collie pup ever.

83 days in LOCK DOWN. ….............Apparently I'm the only thing that is keeping Ann sane??????????

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