You're Grown; So Grown up
Last nights sleep was awful.
I woke at 3 needing a pee.
I looked to see if the cats needed out - nothing. 40 minutes later... they needed out.
Half an hour after that, i needed the toiet again.
And I lay, until 6 when Si got up and went to the loo... and then I fell asleep until 10 What a relief to get some good sleep
Once we had finally gotten ourselves together we all headed up to Allotment. Tooli sat and read for a little while, but then jump to planting some more cabbages, califlowers, borage, and black susans.
I weeded - I examined a carrot - at least 4 inches long (but only 4mm thick) - but very, very straight. I watered the sweet corn, pulled some Rhubarb, got stung by a wasp and weeded a bit more.
Si raised the strawberry patch and covered it with netting; Tooli added the straw to raise the strawberries off the ground.
Then we came home and rested, then had a socially distanced visit to me Mam.
And then we played Scrabble out side in the warmth.
A good day.
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