Giant Sunflower

This sunflower came up in the garden uninvited, probably carried there by some bird. The amazing thing about it is it's size. It's stem is a big as my wrist and the flower is as big as my hand! 

We had a long Zoom conversation with our friends in Corvallis this morning, much of it revolving around both Trump and Harold's scientific conclusions based on his research on the spread of the Covid19 virus. (We are all finding our own ways to feel like we are staying relevant and productive in these strange times.) Harold went to CalTech with John but, unlike John, loves to do research. However John can still understand what Harold is talking about even when my eyes start glazing over....we could all agree on the fact that Trump seems to be seriously losing it...I have always thought that he was teetering on the edge of sanity, but it is starting to look like he has one foot over the precipice. 

I spent the afternoon following my own quarantine quilt project. I reset the quilt squares on the diagonal, and for the record have put the picture I took of the result in extras. John and Anne, also a dedicated gardener are both working in the garden. We have tomatoes, peppers and squash flowering and setting fruit. John has basil seeds sprouting in the garage. He's probably down there talking to them right now....

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