
putting snowboard boots on takes ages but, over the years, one learns how to do it and also learns little strategies like "don't put your coat on before all boots are fastened" because it's hot work!
Watching and helping Littlest this morning I was put in mind of Degas' paintings of ballerinas fastening their shoes. So much more elegant than these clumpy boots!!
Biggest goes home tonight as she has school again tomorrow. She's braving the journey alone. Needless to say, her mother is more nervous about it than she is...
She's leaving all her gear here as it fits me and Flea wants to teach me how to snowboard. I'm swinging between denial, hysteria and a desire to run away from it all. However, I'm sure it will be wonderful and the hospitals here must be used to the kind of injuries I am going to turn up with.
Tomorrow, however, we're going to do something else. Firstly, an icicle hunt to find the biggest one possible. I have already searched the upper village but I think we will have to walk further to get something really good. Secondly, we're going to go sledging. After seven days on the piste, even Flea needs a break and wants to do something different.

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