Never a Dull Moment
Awakened by a loud banging at 4:50am and it took me a few moments to realise that there was something untoward outside. The return of the bampot making his way along the street, hollering and vandalising as he went. Last time though was before Covid when we weren’t joined up. Not this time. Instantly the WhatsApp group was buzzing. The police were alerted - I viewed the miscreant from my window before zipping down to ready MrB… chocks away! And as two police cars and two vans zipped past, I set off in pursuit. "Remember you’re an old man" the SK shouted after me. She really did.
I think I was a bit slow to tackle the guy to the ground but I heroically gave the polis a statement before returning home and being treated to a cup of tea. Eventually the neighbourhood settled back to sleep.
Much later, some gardening, interrupted by Charlie coming to fix the door - another find thanks to the covid WhatsApp - a proper joiner living in the square. And much later, more of the Innocence Files on Netflix. Unmissable. Highly recommended.
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