
By Bom

Shops Open

I thought I'd go into town this morning to see which shops were opening and whether there were many people around. There was a bit of interest for Bakers & Larners department store, this was the queue at its opening at 9:30 (yes I did wear a mask unlike most I saw). The shop was split into 5 zones with separate entrances and exits, with perspex screens at tills and hand sanitizer at each entrance (I went in 3 separate entrances so reeked of the alcohol in the gel!). Some of the medium sized shops were opening at 10:30 and a lot of the small ones remained closed. I was quite surprised that Joules wasn't opening given it's a high street chain and one of the bigger shops in Holt, but I guess it's one of their smaller shops.

Day 92 / Day 84 of Lockdown / Day 15 of Step 2 (for my record only)
UK deaths up 38 to 41,736 (beware lower no's Sun & Mon). The briefing referred to weekly figures for the first time, so I suspect the briefing will become weekly very soon. Also there were no scientific advisors. TFL said c80% of travellers wore the mandatory face masks today (some exemptions but unlikely to be 20%). The opening of zoos and shops today proved popular. 

British Heart Foundation is funding a trial of an experimental drug to prevent blood clots affecting a third of those hospitalised with the virus and thought to be caused by a hormone imbalance. CV antibodies have not been detected in between 2 & 8.5% of patients diagnosed with the disease in a non-peer reviewed study. Global stock markets were hit over fears of a second wave of infections following the new outbreak in Beijing. 

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