Look what I found!

Look what I found in the airport today!!!!

It has been nerve wracking 48 hours - hoping that Tango would be able to travel to Denmark, but not knowing for sure as his flight kept changing from from being on the "operating flights" list to the "cancelled flights" list and back. 

Eventually it settled in "operating" and at 5.30 PM Tango had Danish soil under his paws for the first time. 

This picture is just after his arrival. He looks a bit overwhelmed. He isn't anymore! He is full of beans now and seems to think that flying from Brussels to Copenhagen is everyday business for a 10 weeks old puppy!

Gollum has welcomed him into the family - look at them playing already!

Bedtime here! Puppy is sleeping and I am exhausted, so I will too!

Night night Blipland
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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