
By Jen_Elliot

Fremontodendron - California Glory

There was some debate on my social media the other day to identify a wonderful non-native tree growing in a neighbouring garden. It looks so un-Scottish. It is in the garden of an artist and the flowers are so vibrant yellow and seem to burst from the branches that I did wonder if they had been sewn on as an art installation. But no, they are real. I didn't post the photo on here that day but general consensus from various groups was that it was 'fremontodendron'.

Today I got to look up a big, fat Encyclopaedia A-Z of plants and find fremontodendron. Pretty sure we got the right plant and the example in question is pushing the boundaries of height and width for this species.

Reason I picked this photo today is because I was able, just with my phone camera, to point a click and photograph the encyclopedia page. Just like that! I have what 20 years ago would have been spy technology in my hands. And you can read every detailed word.

Quite amazing.

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