Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

Wine... Dine... And DESSERT.

There are perks to being closely linked to an A-lister. When they take me out for.dinner as thanks for my work, patience, and sacrificed sleep, they really spoil me.
Not that I am high maintenance. The exact opposite.

But this... This is quite possibly the most amazing dessert I've ever had. If I tell you what it is, you'll feel the need to go to a dentist or dietitian. Totally worth it, though. I rarely stooge on my (non-strict) diet.
Okay, so... It is a pizza... Star shaped pizza, at that... Topped with custard, strawberries, mixed berry coulis, icing sugar, with vanilla ice-cream on the side.

Delicious doesn't even come close.

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