
By Beewatcher

Quiet time

I've had a library ticket since I was four,so well over sixty years now,and it's been a source of much pleasure to me. I started using it in the days when each book had a ticket in it ,which was taken out and tucked into a little cardboard pouch together with the tickets from any other books you were borrowing. These pouches were filed in a long narrow drawer in date order. Nowadays I just put my ticket into an electronic reader and pile my books onto a plate which displays their titles and the date they're due back on the screen. And instead of the library being a place of silence,where conversations were frowned on,today borroweres are positively encouraged to use it as a social area. There's even a coffee shop incorporated and you're welcome to bring your purchases in the book area.It's a huge change in attitude,but the pleasure of being able to choose anything from a huge selection of books about every subject under the sun is as strong as ever.

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