Day 93 of personal lockdown - Day 5 of slight ease of my lockdown
This is a bit of an emergency blip as I've had a busy day. Just household stuff, but as Mum is coming over for the day tomorrow you have to prepare thoroughly for Royal visits don't you!!??
I popped into the back garden, after the rain had stopped, trying to find a suitable drippy blip, then I heard a noise, turned round and there was Mrs Blackbird. I'm so sorry to blip her yet again but they are so amazing to watch and I can stand there quite happily just watching her antics.
She was actually playing with me and was there for a good 5 minutes. She started off the wall, then onto the sweet pea frame you can see, then she jumped down to the ground and proceeded to do a dance on the soil to catch some worms and hopped over the grass - all the time turning round to look at me and them move on.
We know they have a nest of fledglings in the hedge between us and next door. I know roughly where it is but won't go and search as I don't want to scare them - as lovely as it was be to see the babies. I've added a couple more photos of Mrs B in the extras.
That has been my day really.
Thank you all so much for the star, hearts and comments from yesterday's bug blip.
I do hope you are all well and continuing to stay safe.
Thank you so much for continuing to drop by and your lovely comments. Long may that be the case as they certainly perk up your day.
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