
By MumOf4Wildlings

First taste

I don't think the jedi enjoyed tasting a fish finger for the first time . He gave me a little laugh .

The wildlings have had quite a good day today. Xander is obsessed with a game called Roblox on his tablet. He talks about this quite a lot . I always allow them screen time. But today Lincoln wanted to have a go and Xander wouldn't let him. ( The joys of a asd child. It wasn't his character etc. ). So Roblox got downloaded and set up for Lincoln. They can play together on separate screen. I have them 20 minutes and they got on so well. Xander helped show Lincoln step by step how the controls work in the game. Where he had to hide etc. X can get quite controlling with real life play. It's just how his brain work's, but he was amazing with Linc.

Harp is getting better on her feet. Still a little like Bambi.

I took ten minutes to myself today and did another wee drawing. My mum makes pottery and does all these arty things and she gave me a giggle with one of her paintings. It looked a little rude and she didn't see where everyone was coming from. So she gave me a challenge to draw a mermaid. I enjoyed the peace. I just shut my brain down and enjoyed it. It's not the best , but it was ME time and that's what counted.

I hope today has been a good day for you all. X

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