Normal service is resumed!!!

Day 1 of week 14 !!!!

Not quite normal, but a start.

This morning we had our first get together of the U3A sewing group, just a coffee morning and a show and tell!!! We met up in a member’s  garden and socially distanced as well as we could. We shared details of the variety of masks that we have made and modelled some of them!!

One of the ladies brought along a collection of material from our member who died recently. It is being sold off to raise money for the cancer charities. The quilters amongst the blippers will recognise the Kaffe Fassett jelly roll. The other two fabrics caught my eye so had to come home with me. S will be pleased to see that her stash is being put to good use.

We had a beautiful sunny hot day until late afternoon when a storm passed over. It absolutely lashed with rain and the water ran like a river down the road. Good news for garden and for me watering tonight. 

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