Day 94

The day started well. a trip the recycling centre. We were surprised that the paint tins both empty and full went into landfill as the web site said they were hazardous materiel. Mine is not to wonder why .home and a session in the garden. Alan finished the first coat on the shed, went to get a new light fitting for the garage, and then after lunch finished digging out a root that I had started in The morning. I went shopping and met a friend weeding her front garden. She has not been put since lockdown and has good and bad days. Stood and chatted for oVer an hour. Continued with the shopping in the rain. Noted I can now phone my hairdresser to make an appointment as they restart 4th July . Think I will wait a bit longer.
No phone call yet from. Canada but had a message to say Christie may be in labour. Her brother has not yet arrived so she has no childcare for Abigale. Matt, our son is on duty today. If she has to call an ambulance chances are he will get the call. If she is in labour he can Take leave of absence to be with her. She has a plan in pLace She can call on an advanced care paramedic in the next couple of days, grandma Shirley or Steph who can look after Abigale for her.
Hi- light of the day was a fight at the end of the road which I heard but didn’t see. Police were called. No idea what happened or the outcome .

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