Bird Sanctuary

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

It pished and pished and pished with rain all day. This meant the tradies couldn't come to finish off constructing Cattica. It also made Jasper VERY grumpy.

I opened the back door for him. He wrinkled his nose and made a meow noise that sounded like "f*** that for a lark". 

Nevertheless, he wanted to KEEP checking it was raining every 5 minutes between 7 and 8. Because you never know. Finally, he stomped off, still bellyaching.

A couple of hours later, Caro noticed that a large number of neighbourhood birds were sheltering under our garden chairs. Caro put out some food for them and soon there was quite a crowd of damp, spiky little birds, sheltering down there and having a bit of a party. 

They were joined by a young blackbird. He is a regular visitor and he likes cat biscuits. We noticed this a few days ago. We leave cat biscuits out there for Tortie and the hedgehogs but as it turns out, this bird likes them too. He hops up, turns his head and thinks about it, then steals the biscuits and hops off.

The funny thing about him is that, if there are no biscuits there, he will stand outside out back door being very loud and shouty about it. So we ensured there were ample cat biscuits under the chair too and he seemed very pleased with himself.

I enjoyed watching the birds milling around out there today. And - in a reverse of Auslaender's day yesterday - Kainga Ora's Citrix connection crashed this afternoon. So I knocked off at 2.30pm and watched the little feathery guys milling around until Jasper came back and scared them all away again.

"Still f***ing raining then," said Jasper. I gave him some cat biscuits. Don't tell the blackbird.


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