Two birds.
I was woken this morning by the woodpecker again, but didn't bother getting out of bed.
However it returned in the afternoon and stayed long enough for me to take a photo through the lounge window.
Not sure if this is an adult or young one.
Earlier in the day I took a photo through the kitchen window, of the blackbird in our garden. Actually saw it having a bird bath. Not sure why it needed that as it has rained none stop all day.
Not too heavy though, and no thunder storms.
We have only been out in the car to collect our order from the farm shop.
Decided against a walk.
Very sad to learn of the death of Dame Vera Lynn at the wonderful age of 103.
Seems more poignant because today was the day General De Gaulle made his famous speech 80 years ago, and also that her song " We'll meet again" has been sung by us all in this new time of Covid -19 crisis.
RIP Vera.
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