lrjlo - Suburban Explorer

By lrjlo

St Mary's Church and Carew Manor, Beddington

A bit of local history in Beddington Park in Sutton. The church is in the foreground, you can see a bit of Carew Manor to the left of the church tower, it's now a school.

Today was a dull grey day and I didn't feel like doing much but I dragged myself out mid afternoon and went to the park for a walk. I saw a teal in one of the relief channels of the Wandle which flows into the sewage farm but didn't manage to get a good photo because the light was disappearing and it was quite far away. The sewage farm is mostly disused now. There's also some land fill and other undesirable land uses going on but a lot of the site, particularly on the Hackbridge site, is left for wildlife and there is a public footpath along the edge of it with views of all the birds on there. I'll try to get some photos of it when the weather's a bit better.

Back to work tomorrow. I'm not feeling so anxious now which is good.

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