Day 96 of personal lockdown  - Day 8 of slight ease of lockdown.

This is a bit of an EB for me today.  I  had another lowsy night, no reason they just get more frequent at the moment.  So I've had to photograph my vase of sweet pea that hubby picked for me out of the garden about 3 days ago.  They still smell divine.

I've had a quiet day today.  In fact after breakfast, I settle down to read my book and fell back asleep for about 2 hours - eeek!! I can hear my Mum tutting at the thought of sleeping during the day!!!!!

Just sorting out some photography things today and looking forward to a FaceTime chat with C later on.

We are still good here and that is what  matters most.  Apparently we have moved to Stage 3 now for Covid - NOT ME - I'm staying on Stage 4. It just feels like Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are using us as tests to see how it goes, but I do not wish to be test subject.  Probably just me being over-tired so I'm going to only think positive things.

Please do take care and don't forget to stay alert whatever you do.

Thank you for dropping by, see you all again tomorrow.

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