Another day when my human has been totally unmotivated. The days are just so 'samey'. There's a limit to how much TV one can watch every day. But what else is there to do? Actually, Ann has a whole list of stuff that she could do, from completing her tax return to cleaning out her kitchen cupboards. But she can't be bothered!!! So she just fritters the day away until she thinks it's an acceptable time to have a glass of wine. ….............And then she just fritters the evening away too.

She's obviously not very good at managing her time constructively. ….........Oh and the other thing, she sorted out all her make-up today. And has thrown most of it out. Has anyone else found that their mascara's etc have completely dried up due to lack of use? The only make-up she's been using during lock down is lipstick?!

This afternoon we had planned to have a social distancing sit in a garden with three single friends because we thought this would be allowed in Stage 2 of exiting lock down but:
1) the weather wasn't particularly nice.
2) 4 single people from 4 single households still aren't allowed to meet each other outside (though 8 people from two households can meet, even though all these 8 people may be going out and about and coming into contact with loads of other people).
3) We're still not allowed to go into anyone else's house (except to go to the toilet)

The 'rules' are just a joke for single people in their 60s with no family. Ann doesn't have parents, children, grandchildren to social bubble with. And with a wide circle of friends why should she have to choose only one to 'social bubble' with? She doesn't want people to come and stay overnight anyway. She just wants 2-3 friends to be able to come into her flat for a few hours, sit 2m apart and have a glass of wine and something to eat.

Anyway that's enough ranting for one day.

This afternoon I went out on my walk for 2 hours. I did so much running I had to keep lying down for a little rest. I lost count of the number of pesky little squirrels that I had to chase in the woods.

My human has said it before and she'll say it again...................... the only thing that has kept her sane during the last 88 days is ME!

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