as seen

By jankerman

Back Blipping Again

A flower from the garden that neither of us can name. 
This was the start of an horrendous week, everything technically going wrong, newly fitted tyres on my 4x4 shed the balance weights and when I took it back it also had a roof nail in it so a repair was needed, while cutting the grass the cutting deck height control disengaged and took a lot of reconnecting. Mrs A S's work continually moving the goalposts on the reopening date but failing to deliver on time the where with all to complete the task. Rounded off by Badger finding a Childs sock on our walk and injesting it before we could intervene, followed by a visit to the Vets to be induced to vomit it back up 2 x three figures poorer but cheaper that the crab apple removal by several 100%'s . 
I am sadly behind with your journals :( 

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