
So, the world class tracing app we were producing is a dud.

Well I am shocked. You would think that giving a lucrative contract to one of Dom’s mates to produce an app, with no competitive tender, would be bound to produce a better product than a couple of fly by night no marks like Google and Apple. How did this all go wrong?

And Matt Hancock had been giving glowing updates of how brilliantly it was going, so there must have been a catastrophic last minute issue. Alternatively he could be an appalling liar, in every sense, who has completely lost any sense of morals, but that can’t be right, surely?

I particularly enjoyed him trying to pass this off as a stroke of genius, where we had been ‘backing both horses’ - a piece of nonsense that unravelled quite spectacularly when James Cleverly (the political equivalent of a brutal serial killer being called George Gentle) got in a terrible muddle trying to explain how completely ignoring the app everyone else is using, until they could no longer pretend ours was a total dud, constituted ‘backing’ it.

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