twinned with trumpton


I was groggy even after the long post migraine sleep, rest for the wicked.

I set to with present wrapping and balloon blowing and mindful of Hoover transportation requirements,  I did a lap of the carpets.

Paw phoned and then I took myself and the Hoover to Her. I was rewarded with tea and ten minutes before we both had other stuff to do. The first officially allowable visit in er...  nearly 3 months? 

I sped down the Walk and set about filling my rucksack with chicken and cereal, mostly.

Home to effect final prep before the newest teenager on the block.arrived.

He's happy with his haul.

Later having given the new xbox controller a thorough work out, we hit the supermarket. I needed baking parchment and they needed to not be on a sofa,  side by side.

The lad's birthday scran of choice was to hit the Jubillee and thereafter we settled into Tottenham v MUFC with the added bonus of half time cake. 

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