Random Andom

By RandomAndom

Day 34: A Day Filled With Difficult Decisions

McCombers and I had planned to go to the cinema today, I'm keen to see Flight.
However this morning. Over breakfast we decided to watch the last two episodes of Dexter season 4.
Bloody brilliant.
No spoilers, but what a way to end a season.

Suffice to say myself and McCombers were in a quandary. Do we go and see Flight? Or do we see what happens next on Dexter and stick on the season 5 DVD?

We decided on the DVD!

We are very much hooked on this show!

Another tough decision had to be made in the form of choosing a Kit Kat champion!

I'm a big fan of all of the above, but I think I prefer the peanut butter!

How about you?

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