James has a biscuit

Thank you for your kindness re yesterday’s blip. It did help, as did having Linda and Colin round for drinks in the evening. The rain held off thankfully. Or maybe not, as it gave us time to have a glass too many

Yesterday was the other Colin’s 60th birthday - not the best as he woke feeling unwell. 111 did not work so eventually when he had chest pain Katy rang 999 and the medics took him to hospital where it was found he’d had a mild heart attack. He is waiting to go to the Freeman for further checks to determine the cause. Quite a shock but he is feeling fine.

I baked cheesy garlic scones and an apple, date and apricot cake which worked well. #2 daughter arrived with the food shopping and the boys too so we went to the woods for a walk. They were on good form and James seems to be having a good spell. His behaviour is less tricky and home and school which he is enjoying. Long may it continue!

Not only does it sound like the 2 metre rule will be relaxed to 1 metre soon, but also the PM has stated that ALL children will be back to school in September which means any kind of distancing will be done with.

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