Birthday Boxing Day

Anya’s teacher taught her about birthday Boxing Day and she hadn’t forgotten about it.
Thankfully the weather improved today so Sarah could come over with the girls for a play. We had discussed a socially distanced play but decided as long as they were outside it was time for us to allow them some freedom to just be children and so what they do best; just play. They’re the only other family we’ve seen and the same goes for them. So hopefully the risk is minimal.
They all played so beautifully for nearly 3 hours in the garden, with a little break for some cake and a piñata game as requested by Anya. This made Anya’s day and it was lovely to see her in the company of friends again after nearly 3 months!

Anya received a card in the post from her teacher, such a lovely thing to do. I’m so sad for her to have missed out on a full year with this lovely and talented teacher.

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