2020 Saturday — French Onion Soup
This has been a looooooong day! I was awake before 5:30 this morning. Not sure why, I just was.
The roofers were here all day yesterday and I knew they would be back today. We thought at 8:00. They actually arrived at 8:30. From that moment on the noise in this house was loud, chaotic, and on-going.
Our two little girl pups hated all the noise yesterday and it was obvious that they were not thrilled when it started again this morning. Mitzi seemed bothered by it more than Chloe.
So I spent most of my day shredding paper. I unloaded some of the annual boxes of statements and receipts and have just been shredding and shredding. I’m learning my lesson; I will keep five years of receipts and statements and when year six arrives it will be time to shred the box that is six years old.
Some of the motivation to do this comes from two years ago when we were cleaning out the home of my in-laws after they both were deceased. They had paperwork that went clear back to the 1950s when they had built their home.
After cleaning out their home, we were also selling our big home and moving back here to our first home and in the rush to get moved, we moved some stuff that should have been shredded.
So while all the roofers have been here and I can’t do much else but try to keep the pups comforted, I have been cleaning out those boxes of yearly receipts and statements. Pretty boring, but it does feel like accomplishment.
When I started to talk about what to fix for dinner this evening, Mr. Fun said, “Let’s go out.” It didn’t take any more than that statement to convince me that I was a “yes!” to that suggestion. So the photo is my bowl of French onion soup from Mimi’s Café. It was delicious.
Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi
P.S. At 4:44 pm CDT today the sun completed another journey to the north. It’s regular and predictable because of the regularity and steadfastness of the Creator.
Psalm 19: 1-2 The Heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.
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