The Unrelated Cat Brothers

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

It has been a pretty lazy Sunday. I must have spent about two hours in the garden, keeping an eye on the lads and making sure Punky didn't attempt to climb the fence. 

I didn't mind. It was quite a nice day, if a little cold. But the sun shone and I watched the birds having fun in our tree. Caro has hung up bird feeders and the little waxeyes just love them. They are tiny little birds, very active and colourful. I could just sit and watch them for h-

"Punky! Get away from there!"

That was the first half of my day today. 

In the second half, Caro had a big out-of-control nap that went on for ages. To facilitate this, I put on old black and white movies* which are easy to nap through aside from the occasional melodramatic outburst - and as one of the films starred Olivia de Havilland there was a fair chance of that. 

While this was going on, I took the picture above. It shows Jasper trying to be just adorable and LURE Punky into playing with him. This happens a lot. One of them will encourage the other to chase him, and it inevitably ends in a thunder of paws up and down the stairs. 

Today's title comes from our vet's notes on the boys. Caro just requested them from the vet we saw at Aurora Terrace so that the lads can be registered here. The previous vet referred to the boys as "unrelated cat brothers" and we both liked that a lot. Firstly because we like to think of them as brothers. Secondly because it makes them sound like Old West outlaws, or possibly a country and western band. 

The Unrelated Cat Brothers! Wanted! Dead or alive!

But now it is the evening. Caro is awake and the lads are wanting their cat suppers. It's been a nice weekend, but I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Weather permitting, I'll take my laptop out back and work in the garden, and the boys can continue their crime spree outside. 


* The Price of Fear and The Dark Mirror. The Price of Fear had a pretty decent plot and I enjoyed it. The Dark Mirror features Olivia De Havilland playing twins - one good and one EVIL. It was totally silly and over the top and Olivia really pushes the boat out when she's playing Evil Twin. So obviously I loved it. 

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