Pink Poppy

I had  a busy day working, while also trying to help BB find a volunteering opportunity for his Duke of Edinburgh.  Luckily my spirits were raised as the weather brightened up for the first time in days.  We had some blue sky and a little bit of sunshine.   I made the most of it and had a quick walk along the road and back again at lunchtime. 
I cooked tea, fed the boys (and myself) and then headed out for a  walk – I went on the route of the deer incident of a  few weeks ago.  The first time I have been round there in an evening, since that night.  I was pleased not to see any deer.  As I gained height, I could see the haar coming up the Tyne and when I got to a point where I could see the Forth – I couldn’t see the Forth for the bank of haar.  In the distance I could see the very very top of a Lomond Hill and looking towards Edinburgh I could see the top of Arthur’s Seat above the haar.  We were lucky to still have a wee bit of sunshine.
These lovely poppies are blooming around a disused car park. 

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