Family Dog

By Family_Dog

Dogs and Ladders

A wee game of snakes & ladders to encourage a bit of 'togetherness' after a day of being naughty (Arlo) being a total greetin' face (Ida), being a bit shouty (me) and being a bit grumpy (Bry).

After our crazy week we fell behind with all the stuff we had left to do to get it ready for viewers so we spent most of the weekend scrubbing and scrubbing and scrubbing. Oh and did I mention scrubbing? We even had to miss a friends birthday party which is the SECOND Saturday night out in a row I have had to pull out of for one reason or another (surely, simply NOT ON).

The last of the masses rushed and pushed their way through our doors to be among the first with a chance to buy our beautiful flat (ahem) and at 4pm we closed those doors and we chilled out a bit. I hadn't really recognised how stressed out I was about it.

Apart from the huge implications of selling up and moving on, it's actually really weird showing strangers round your house, isn't it?

"This is a window and as you can see, we have a radiator, here"
"This is our cupboard, look how high it goes"
"This is the bathroom, we call this a bath"
"And here we have the room we call The Bedroom"

Folk wandering around muttering under their breath whilst standing at the foot of your bed, v v v v v strange.

So, the kids came back, we all had some tea (Arlo ate food, AMAAAAAAAAZING) and the game of Snakes & Ladders commenced. Ida spent most of the time stealing the dice and trying to wrap the mat round her, much to Arlo's annoyance but all in all, we got there in the end. And guess what? Arlo won! Nobody saw that coming...

And the best news of all from today - We have a nephew! My lovely sister-in-law Gayle had a healthy baby boy guess what tomorrow's Blip might look like?

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