Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Day 90 - bowler hat

The house clearer is coming to take the furniture from my father-in-law’s house tomorrow so we had to go and sort the final few things - the difficult stuff, photos, old school reports, birthday cards, paintings etc. I’d been putting it all in one cupboard so we went through it and made the final decisions. Needless to say, my own garage and sitting room are now even more full than they were before....

The bowler hat was a tough one; he wore it throughout his career, especially when he was station master at Lime Street, and we have many photos with him wearing it - see extras. It came home with us and I don’t know what we shall do with it. There’s a very keen buyer for the house so it could soon be gone - it all seems very quick, only 2 months since he died. 

We don’t really do Father’s Day but I am sure that later we shall raise a glass to a Derek. 

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