Silly Saturday ....
... Ride the dinosaur!
We went out early this morning to meet someone that R was buying a rain barrel from and then we stopped at a co-workers place to drop off some candy canes for her horses! They love and R always buys some after Christmas and proportions them out so they last for several months.
We got home around lunch time and after eating I set out this dinosaur as a compliment to yesterday's Chippy Vs. Squirrel posted on my other journal. I had no idea that he would run up the back of dino like this but I thought it silly enough for Silly Saturday!
I'm only going to be posting the COVID-19 stats until June 23 ... this will be a full three months of stats. If the numbers start climbing once our state goes totally green I may start posting them again.
Pennsylvania COVID-19 by the numbers (as of 12:00 PM ... 06/20/20):
Positive cases in Pennsylvania - 81,266* (an increase of 504)
Negative cases in Pennsylvania - 566,461 (6/20/20)
Number of deaths in Pennsylvania - 6,419 (an increase of 20)
Cases in Northampton County - 3,304 (last count was 250)
* Total case counts include confirmed and probable cases.
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