
By Colgaize82


My eldest has had a first week back in her ‘bubble’ at school. She’s got a spring back in her step & she’s arrived home, each day enthused & keen to further the learning she’s experienced throughout the day.

It’s not formal curriculum learning that she’s engaged in, it’s a more child-centred approach & the focus is on creativity & making sense of the last few months & the huge unprecedented changes which were catapulted upon all of us.

There’s no room at the school (which I’m proud to say that both my girls are a part of) for nasty phrases such as “catching up”.
Catching up with what? The phrase here is “recovery” & understanding. I do feel, I’m in a good enough position to state that in moving forward, this is the best & only way.

My daughter will be fine & will be as ready for year 7 as she would have been had she sat her SATs & participated in the standard end of year 6 frivolities which are usually on offer.

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