Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Lazy Day

It was hot and muggy today - a good day to be lazy.  I caught this little chipmunk having an impromptu snooze under a big pot on the patio; when he woke up he had the biggest stretch.  Then he informed me (yes he did) that he was actually stretching to limber up so that he could practice some Olympic caliber moves.  

Well, of course, that totally piqued my interest!  Turns out that the yard creatures have taken a vote and they would like to stage the 2020 Alternative Olympic Games, in spite of the pandemic.  They've promised to social distance; some have even said they'd wear masks (see extra for the rep from Team Cedar Waxwing, proudly wearing his mask...over his eyes).   So what say you?  Are you up for an international AOG?  I am thinking we have it the first 10 days of August (only because I'll be busy hosting Tiny Tuesday in July).  

If you aren't sure what the heck the AOG is all about, just click HERE to see some of the past game events.  The Games are open to all wild creatures - birds, mammals, arthropods, reptiles - and the events are limited only by your imagination.  Leave me a comment below if you are interested in participating - if there is sufficient interest, I'll come up with some general guidelines and tagging info. It's loads of fun and maybe just what we all need right now.

In other yard news, Mama and Papa Bluebird were around most of the day hunting for insects and then up into the trees to feed well-hidden babies.  Both of them came down mid-day for a bath - he carefully guarded her while she bathed and then took his own long splash.  It was very sweet.  I've cleaned and re-mounted the nest box...and keeping fingers crossed that maybe they will raise a second brood here.

I'm going to post our state's Covid stats every Sunday, starting today.  While our infection and deaths continue to decline, we are not out of the woods yet.  So my wishes stay the same ... stay safe, be kind, be loving.

And to my Dad, a very special Happy Father's Day!


New Jersey Covid 19 Stats as of this date
Positive Cases - 169,142
Deaths - 12,870

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