Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Faces: Me

Confession:  This photo was not taken today and wasn't even taken by me.  

I've been house cleaning all day . . . well actually all month.  I have also been cleaning out boxes and boxes of old photos/slides, etc that my husband's family had and is now in our possession.  And many of them are getting scanned.  

In the course of all this clean-up, I have also been going back through all of my old photos on my storage device and "tidying up" some.  

I found a folder that I started a couple of years ago called "Faces".  These are photos that I have taken of people that I have encountered in my travels.  So, as I have been "cleaning" up my files, I am putting many of these "faces" in my "Faces" file.  With a bit of polishing, I will be posting some of them here.  

So, I decided to started with me.  This was taken on my small camera, a Nikon Coolpix.  I think the resolution on this point and shoot was about 6mp.  One of my team mates took it when I was teaching in Central America several years ago.  

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