2020. Cupboard Love....
We are now finally allowed to visit my step daughter properly and go into her flat as she lives alone and can become part of our extended family “bubble”. It was so good to relax at her flat and have a cup of tea and to sit and talk about the future and what she is going to do. She will be starting work next week as they will be preparing to reopen the hotel some time in July assuming things go well with the changes to our lockdown restrictions. Her cats, as ever do not like strangers in the flat and run away from us as soon as they see us. Her strategy to get them more used to us again is to bring out the Dreamies. First of all hubby fed them a couple, then I placed one on my knee and waited for them to approach me. They finally did after a lot of wandering around looking longingly at the treats. The one almost sitting on my knee is Nash (short for Nashville) and the other one who isn’t that bothered about treats (but wouldn’t want to miss out) is Memphis who is probably twice the size of her sister and acts almost like a labrador around food! She did eat a couple of treats, well I say “eat” in that she swallowed them whole....
My youngest phoned this afternoon before work and it was good to speak to him as he has been concerned about the apparent dip in my mood over the weekend. He has been a bit stressed himself and all of this stuff going on at the moment is partially responsible for that....hopefully soon we will feel less restricted and happier going out and about.
I am sitting listening to our First Minister and she has confirmed that Scotland will NOT be reducing the social distancing from 2m to 1m and will be reviewing that decision at the start of July. I am very pleased that she has made this decision and hasn’t been brow beaten into it by the UK Government and that buffoon in No.10. Apparently all pubs, bars and restaurants are reopening on the 4th July in England only despite the death rate in England not really falling that much (apart from over the weekends when everyone’s rates fall because of a lag in reporting). I do hope that hospitality begins to reopen in July at some point and I believe that the 15th July has been suggested as when this might happen, but I am also glad that it isn’t being driven by anything other than what is safe for people. My heart goes out to everyone who has suffered so much throughout this crisis, the loss of life, the loss of peoples’ incomes and businesses and ultimately the utter desperation that it has caused for so many...
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