Day 100 of my lockdown - Day 13 of my slight ease of lockdown

After a lousy night's sleep - again, I headed off to Levens Estuary near Old Park Caravan Site again to meet CumbriaLass and Fletch.

It was so lovely to catch up after 3 months.  Such a shame the weather wasn't at it's best, although CumbriaLass performed her magic and brought with her, in her car, 2 large umbrellas - just in case - AND WE DID NOT NEED THEM - YEAHHH.

We went for a nice walk along the estuary but as the sheep were out grazing today there were lots of sheep messages left on the pathways!!!  Still we avoided those, Fletch was enjoying having somewhere new to sniff and investigate and do a few roly poly's - avoid sheep messages.

It would have been so nice if we could have gone for a coffee and a lunch afterwards, but maybe the next time!!!

It does seem strange that you can't give people a hug anymore, but that too will change.  

I started off with good intentions of using my disposable gloves so I could stroke Fletch, but in the end I didn't use any.  It's so lucky as Fletch isn't a licky dog and he was far more interested in exploring a new place anyway.  

Such a lovely boost today - I really enjoyed it.  

Now going to have a nice relaxing afternoon and reading I think as I'm sooo very tired now.

Do take care everyone, stay safe and alert and see you all tomorrow.

Just read the awful news about admirer.  I loved her posts and the Silly Saturdays that she hosted.  RIP Admirer.  Thoughts are with her family and loved ones at this awful time.

Admirer RIP

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