River of Flowers

By doffy

Tuesday: #30DaysWild - Carder Bees ...

... again ... sorry BUT they are so fascinating!
After all the rain we had last week the mound of grass cuttings over their “nest” was flat on the ground and looked very wet and miserable. 
The transformation had started yesterday, there were bees under the surface, you could see the movement ... by this morning the mound of grass had lifted by about 20mm then half as much again when I looked late afternoon - just like a fluffy duvet!
Individual bees were coming & going, feeding on the purple toadflax and enjoying our mini afternoon heatwave. A caterpillar wandered past too, having stuffed itself on the kale growing nearby!
Repotted all the bush tomatoes in the greenhouse, they can stay there for the next few weeks as the cordon tomatoes are still seedlings but still alive & growing!
That’s as exciting as my day got ...
Stay safe & healthy and happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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