Purple haze.

First thing this morning J wanted to go up on the garage roof to check eveything was okay after all the hot weather. I had to stay out just in case, and to hold the ladder. I had already decided what I was going to blip, and experimented with my bottle of perfume showcasing the Lavender. I have tried all the different perfumes from Shay & Blue, although as yet, I haven't worn the lavender one. Once J was back on terra firma, I went inside and did the cleaning. A biker friend of J's called & they chatted for about an hour outside. While we were having a coffee, our daughter & g/daughter called, although they couldn't stay long as our g/daughter was on her lunch break. This afternoon I sat in the shade & read my book, and then noticed quite a few flying ants. Nearly every Summer we have a problem with them at the side of our property. I put a container of water with sugar in and  it's already doing the trick, thank goodness. 

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