Come into the Garden

By aprecious

Never underestimate a collie!

"A lot of people ask me when I do a stunt, 'Jackie, are you scared?' Of course I'm scared. I'm not Superman."
Jackie Chan

I look like nothing don't I, eh?

I look just about like any other collie type dog don't I?

Ever wonder why you've never seen me in a photograph with a phone box, eh? Cos I wouldn't be able to risk it. I'd want to be right in there in a second.

Ever wondered why me and superman are never photographed together?

I know, the likeness is uncanny? Isn't it?

Hard as it is to believe beneath this fur coat lies the skintight suit of you know who?!

Pants on the outside of my tights!

Red ones.

It's the geeky, smart ones you've got to look out for

Don't tell anyone, eh?

Last night, when the music for superman came on, we turned to see Maud flat on her back, legs stretched out seemingly flying through the air. Either she is superman or she does an exceptional impression. Your guess is as good as mine...

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