On track
After living in this area for 38 years I cannot believe we are finding walks we have never done before. Today we parked up at the kennels we have used for all of our dogs and followed a path that ran alongside a disused railway track, crossed a bridge and followed another track into the park we were at earlier in the week. Lots of space and not many people. Hetty doesn’t like bridges and had to be carried over.
We were out for an hour this morning and I now have red shoulders, I did put sun cream on but obviously not enough.
Did lots of jobs around the house this afternoon with all the blinds and curtains closed to try and keep it cooler. Far too hot for me, but I’m not complaining. It was still very warm when we went for our evening walk. Had a tracked delivery due today and it didn’t turn up, when I checked the website it said they had instructions not to deliver to this address today. I checked on the WhatsApp for the street and one has had mail today and others expecting tracked parcels had texts saying no delivery today, all very strange. I feel I can start planning again first up to the cottage for a week or so and then off hopefully to Scotland or perhaps Norfolk.
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