And I think to myself
Today was a good day.
Si and I went to the skip to get rid of the pile of household items which have built up at the side of the house whilst we waited for lock down to end. We were ever so delighted with their queuing system - which allowed a man in a mobility scooter and his on foot wife to join in (see Extra)
Then we gathered some stuff together and headed up to the allotment - where we were able to cut out first ever Cauliflower and also some cherries. See Extra.
Whilst Si bimbled about and did stuff Tooli did my hair - See extra
And then I slept for an hour on a deck chair in the garden, and watched the clouds (see extra0
And then Tooli and I took ourselves down to our happy plae for an hour piddled in rock pools, and watched the fishing boat return in to the harbour.
What lovely day.
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